Did you know that the fuel pre-filter is one of the fundamental components for the proper operation of a generator?
To guarantee the correct functioning of a generator, it is essential that its components work properly and for this reason, there are some essential components:
The fuel pre-filter, for example, has the function of separating the water from the fuel and removing residues that are present in it, preventing them from being pumped into the engine and cause oxidation issues, corrosion and cavitation in the cylinders.
Therefore, its usage allows to improve the performance of the engine and extend its lifetime, including also all the components of the fuel circuit. It is recommended for generators that are inactive for a long period of time and for places, where the available fuel is of poor quality or is mixed with other components that may affect the correct operation of the equipment.
In addition to the use of the fuel pre-filter, it is also necessary that, at each equipment revision, its condition is checked, in order to keep performing its function.
HANNAIK’s generators allow the installation of the fuel pre-filter, whenever it is requested by our customers.